Slovak Organisation for Research and Development Activities - non-governmental non-profit organization with a national scope, whose aim is to support and popularise research and innovation in Slovakia.

Organizer of the largest science-popularization event in Slovakia - European Science Night.

About us

About Us We are a non-governmental, non-profit organization with nationwide reach. Our mission is to support and promote research and innovation in Slovakia. We focus on strengthening research and development capacities, analyzing the research ecosystem, and fostering dialogue between the academic and commercial sectors. Additionally, we support young innovative entrepreneurs...


Since its inception, SOVVA has led or participated in a broad portfolio of projects at regional, national and international levels. Read what we are working on and what we have worked on so far.


In its latest reports, SOVVA provides insights into successful initiatives that connect science and society. Through its extensive network of partners, it promotes a culture of innovation and encourages young scientists to collaborate. Its news regularly highlights events and projects that bring practical solutions for the sustainable development of Slovakia.

Our team

SOVVA is a non-profit organization that supports scientific research and innovation projects in Slovakia. Our team is made up of experts from different fields who together seek effective ways to connect science, business and society. By collaborating with domestic and foreign partners, we bring innovative solutions for the development of research and education.

Ľubomír Bilský
Ľubomír Bilský Executive Director
Katarína Sentelik
Katarína Sentelik Project Manager
Barbara Páleníková
Barbara Páleníková Marketing Manager
Erik Kollárik
Erik Kollárik Project Coordinator
Slavomír Ondoš
Slavomír Ondoš Expert, Data Analyst
Petra Lipnická
Petra Lipnická Chairwoman of the Board of Directors



Einsteinova 3998/33 851 01 Bratislava

Slovenská organizácia pre výskumné a vývojové aktivity, o.z.

IČO: 37929551

DIČ: 2022385387

IČ DPH: SK2022385387
