Bridge2EU – Supporting the Internationalization and Growth of Albanian Startups and SMEs through Soft-Landing Programs
The main goal of the Bridge2EU project was to enhance the potential for internationalization and growth of young Albanian tech companies and startups beyond their region through a soft-landing program.
Albanian companies face the challenges of a small, underdeveloped market. The project builds on the success of the UPLIFT Albania program, which significantly improved the startup ecosystem in Albania. Albanian startups and SMEs struggle to establish connections or partnerships within the EU, let alone expand into the single market. Similarly, Slovak tech companies have faced comparable challenges and have had to learn how to succeed internationally. This project responds to the need to transfer knowledge, know-how, and experience from Slovakia in the field of startup and SME internationalization.
The project implemented two rounds of soft-landing programs, each designed for 6 startups and 12 participants. Each program lasted 5 days and included three thematic workshops, each 4 hours long. During their intensive stay in Slovakia, Albanian startups were introduced to the Slovak startup ecosystem and had the opportunity to pitch their companies, helping them attract investments, gain clients, or establish new partnerships. Slovakia thus became a gateway for these companies to access the European single market.
The primary target audience was competitive Albanian startups. However, the program also significantly benefited Albanian program managers, who gained valuable know-how in startup internationalization. This knowledge enables them to independently run similar programs after the project concludes.
The project was coordinated in collaboration with ALBICT and was carried out in both Slovakia and Albania.