In its latest reports, SOVVA provides insights into successful initiatives that connect science and society. Through its extensive network of partners, it promotes a culture of innovation and encourages young scientists to collaborate. Its news regularly highlights events and projects that bring practical solutions for the sustainable development of Slovakia.
Whether the Covid-19 pandemic is halfway through or the worst is yet to come, the Slovak economy will not avoid a significant downturn. We can predict what course it will...
European Researchers’ Night in Slovakia since 2007. A lot has changed in those 10 years. Many things for the better, some for the worse. On the positive side, research and innovation...
The European Union is divided. This time, we are not talking about a divergent view of its future or about migration policy, but about innovative and research performance. Promoting cooperation...
Slovakia is at the tail end of the EU with one grant holder operating domestically and one partner for the Czech grant holder. In addition to them, five Slovaks working...